Varsity Medical and Wellness Clinic

Clinic Location

Varsity Medical & Wellness Clinic
Suite 230
8 Varsity Estates Cir NW
Calgary, AB, T3A 2Z3
Phone: 587.329.8279
Fax: 403.648.3765

View Clinic Map and Hours

Patient Registration

Varsity Medical and Wellness Clinic
Family Physicians
Dr. Khatereh Mojtahedi Dr. Manisha Latti
Dr. Ewan Roddie Dr. Johanna Festen
Dr. Kelli Thomas  Dr. Arina Melnik
Medical Cannabis
 Dr. Ewan Roddie

 Dr. Ryan Wong

Varsity Lab and Blood Services

Diagnostic Imaging

Varsity Medical and Wellness Clinic can provide referrals to the diagnostic imaging location of your choice and provide helpful information and advice in regards to private services providers as required. We have several diagnostic imaging providers in close proximity to our clinic.

Diagnostic Imaging

We have access to a direct line of communication between the radiologists and the physicians at Varsity Medical and Wellness Clinic so we often experience short turn around times for diagnostic results.

Diagnostic Imaging