Varsity Medical and Wellness Clinic

Clinic Location

Varsity Medical & Wellness Clinic
Suite 230
8 Varsity Estates Cir NW
Calgary, AB, T3A 2Z3
Phone: 587.329.8279
Fax: 403.648.3765

View Clinic Map and Hours

Varsity Medical and Wellness Clinic
Family Physicians
Dr. Khatereh Mojtahedi Dr. Manisha Latti
Dr. Ewan Roddie Dr. Johanna Festen
Dr. Kelli Thomas Dr. Arina Melnik
Nurse Practitioners
Viktoriya Lambert, FNP Phd Melissa Coppens, NP MN
Ratanak Panha Ouk, NP MN Sarah Hennings, NP MN
Medical Cannabis
 Dr. Ewan Roddie

 Dr. Ryan Wong

Varsity Lab and Blood Services

Annual Flu Vaccinations

Typically, vaccination protocol is initiated in late October and will extend until December. There are no associated fees holders of valid provincial health care from any Canadian province. Contact us for more details on vaccinations for you and your family.

Flu Vaccinations

To receive your vaccine you may either book an appointment or walk in to our clinic. Children, adults and seniors will be administered with a common vaccination.

Flu Vaccinations

At Varsity Medical and Wellness Clinic we provide the same vaccination you would receive from any public health clinic. All vaccinations are administered by a physician.